Saturday 12 January 2019

Global Warming, Climate Change and Us

Global Warming has turned into a global war.

Do you know why?

Its because of this age-old fascination for transportation and power production that has been etched into our memories from childhood.

I am a 90's kid and now I am an adult. I might not know much about the world at present but one thing I do know through observation is that we are the creators, dreamers and doers who strive for excellence. Now coming to the the point: pollutants are running amok in the skies and we are seeing the effects ourselves by depending on non-renewable sources of energy.

Yes! You will argue with me that countries have prospered due to thriving demand and supply of fossil fuels but that is not the point of of discussion and conclusion. The point is; it is unacceptable to the current generation and generations to come, to live in an environment bereft of clean air, clean water, proper food and shelter. The world is making a transition from non-renewable to renewable , from static to dynamic, from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0 and so on and so forth.

We as citizens of the globe are responsible for making this change happen.
Be the change you want to be.